08 March, 2013

Quick Update and Duck and Cover

I'm sorry for the lack of posting lately. I took the bar last week (3 days x 6 hours per day) and then I've just been recovering and helping out with the twins this week, even looking for jobs because at some point I may or may not need to start using these degrees I've been racking up.

Anyway, as far as reading goes, I'm about halfway through a review for The Eyes of God by John Marco and currently reading the following:

- Shadow Ops #2: Fortress Frontier by Myke Cole - Should finish this up soon.
- The Land of Laughs by Jonathan Carroll - Going to finish this today.
- The Devil's Armor by John Marco - This is the sequel to The Eyes of God.
- Carrie by Stephen King - I've been spending lots of time patting babies to sleep so audiobooks are perfect although this book makes me wish they wouldn't grow up - it's such a cruel world.

I'll get back on track (somewhat) soon, I just need to figure out my new schedule.

Also, did you see this amazing cover:

Thanks Rob.

This is for book two in the Powder Mage Trilogy by Brian McClellan and book one hasn't even come out yet. I haven't even read a word and already I'm excited for the sequel. Weird, but great cover.


Unknown said...

How did the bar GO?

Bryce L. said...

Eek. Well, let's just say that last time felt great and I didn't even get close to passing and this time I felt terrible. So that means the opposite right? Sadly, I don't find out for 3 more months.

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

Dude, that is one tight schedule! Hope the bars went well for you. :) Take care!